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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services



Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Sunday, November 29, 1942
Raider Attack near Madagascar
the Freighter SS Sawokla was shelled and torpedoed by the Raider Michel near Madagascar while enroute from Ceylon to New York via Capetown, South Africa. Shelled and then torpedoed, the Sawokla went down in 8 minutes. The 39 survivors were picked-up by the Michel and taken to Singapore where they spent the remainder of the war as slave laborers on the Burmese-Thailand death railway. ... Incredibly, all 39 survivors lived through the hellish ordeal and returned home after the war.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 20

Namesort descending Service Branch
Sea 2c George Anderson USN
A.B. Carl Baun USMM
O.S. Christian Christensen USMM
Deck Engineer John Douthit USMM
Engine Cadet Meyer Egenthal USMM
Chief Cook Arthur Floyd USMM
Lt(jg) Lloyd George USN
Chief Engineer James Hussey USMM
3rd Engineer Ellington Joyce USMM
Electrician Edward Lennon USMM
A.B. Donald Malloch USMM
Messman Ismael Mansilla USMM
A.B. Antonio Morales USMM
Deck Cadet William O'hara USMM
Cox John Parrington USN
Oiler Eric Siljegaard USMM
Utility Joseph Smith USMM
Messman Christian Soute USMM
Sea 2c Kenneth Tedford USN
Master Carl Wink USMM
A Careless Word A Needless Sinking