“You never knew when you were going to be under fire.”
Radarman Third Class James R. Hoffman, USN
The United States Navy Memorial Stories of Service Program is honored to announce the November 2017 story of the month has been selected to recognize the service of United States Navy Veteran, Radarman Third Class James R. Hoffman. The United States Navy Memorial Stories of Service Program was privileged to interview Radarman Third Class James R. Hoffman at the Swift Boat Sailors Association Reunion in San Antonio Texas in the Spring of 2011.
Hoffmann served on PCF 67 (Patrol Craft Fast) and was assigned to Coastal Division 13 which was part of Coastal Squadron One during the Vietnam War. His two-part interview spanned pivotal moments on the PCF 67 during the Vietnam War in 1968 and 1969. While serving on PCF 67, Hoffman recalled a significant change in strategy during the Vietnam War. He witnessed the implementation of Operation SEALORDS (Southeast Asia Lake, Ocean, River, and Delta Strategy). When SEALORDS was enacted, Hoffmann shared, “In October of 1968 I remember they started what was called Operation SEALORDS, that’s when they opened up the rivers to us, before that we were involved in Operation Market Time which involved board and searches of fishing boats...then they opened it up to search and destroy missions which was a very interesting change in our routine.” This
new strategy would send Swift Boat crews directly into the rivers of South Vietnam to locate enemy targets.
When recalling Operation SEALORDS, Hoffmann shared, “you never knew when you were going to be under fire, it seemed they always waited till you were turning the boat around or they would wait until you were vulnerable and usually fired on the lead boat…for a 21 year old guy, it was very unnerving to say the least.” Hoffmann shared detailed memories about his Vietnam War Service in the United States Navy and discussed key moments of sacrifice, fond memories of camaraderie, and life as a Swift Boat Sailor.
The United States Navy Memorial honors United States Navy Veteran, Radarman Third Class James R. Hoffman, featured within this series titled, Tales from the Navy Log, Story of the Month. Each month, this series honors a Veteran’s story recorded by the Stories of Service Program at the Navy Memorial. To learn more about this story and to explore the Navy Memorial archive, visit the Navy Memorial Stories of Service site at http://navylog.navymemorial.org/stories-of-service.
To view this interview please visit the Vietnam Era Swift Boat Reunion Collection on the Navy Memorial Stories of Service page or view the interview below.
Interview of James Hoffman Part One Memories of PCF 67 and Swift Boat Operations During the
Vietnam War
Interview of James Hoffman Part Two Operation Sealords and Life on PCF 67