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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services



Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Monday, October 18, 1943
Collision with USS Cowpens
At 0210, on the morning of the 18th, the Abbot was directed to leave screening station and take plane guard station for night flight operations. And at 0224, we collided with the Cowpens. Approximately thirty feet of our bow was twisted to a 70 degree right angle. Repair parties immediately went into action, as well as all hands who could be of assistance. Bulkheads were shored to prevent further damage, water was pumped into the sea from the lower compartments, and through tireless effort, the forward part of the ship was secured to the maximum of watertight integrity. Unfortunately, three of our shipmates were killed, others injured. The COWPENS suffered only minor injuries. Thankful that our casualties were not more and with heavy hearts, we commenced the slow journey back to Pearl.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 3

Name Service Branchsort descending
BM 1c Edward Halligan USN
GM 2c Arthur Ceresna USN
Sea 2c Frederic Nedeau USN
USS Abbot Cruise Book