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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services


Bismarck Sea

Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Wednesday, February 21, 1945
Kamikaze attacks at Iwo Jima
Bismarck Sea provided air support during the Iwo Jima Invasion. ... On Feburary 21, at 1845 she was attacked by two Japanese Kamikaze which started an uncontrolled fire. This set off some of the ammunition which Bismarck Sea carried. Exploding ammunition halted attempts to save the ship and Bismark Sea rolled-over and sank in 90 minutes. ... The lives of 318 men were lost during this action.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 321

Name Service Branchsort ascending
Sea 1c Joseph Maguire USN
Sea 1c Ralph Luers USN
AOM 2c Kermit Lyda USN
Sea 1c Richard Mack USN
Sea 1c Thomas Mara USN
AM 1c Robert Manges USN
StM 1c Alfred Massenberg USN
Sea 1c Harry Lee USN
Sea 1c William Lee USN
Sea 2c Robert Lietzau USN
CCS Charles Lincoln USN
Sea 1c Charles Liles USN
Sea 1c John Love USN
Ens Robert Lorenzen USN
TM 1c Brent Loring USN
ARM 1c Patrick Looney USN
Sea 1c James Long USN
RDM 3c Thomas Lindsey USN
Lt(jg) Arthur Lindsey USN
EM 3c Robert Lockhart USN


Prepared by CAPT R.O. Strange USN (Ret.)