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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services



Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Monday, March 28, 1814
Action off Valparaiso
On March 28, Captain David Porter attempted to break out of Valparaiso Chile, but Essex lost her main topmast in a gale. ... Disregarding Chilean neutrality, Captain James Hillyard, commanding HMS Phoebe attacked and taking advantage of his guns superior range, slowly but surely battered away at Essex. ... Three hours later Captain Porter was forced to strike his colors, including the blue banner Free trade and sailors' rights — the slogan that had impelled the United States into war. ... Essex lost 58 killed, 31 drowned, and 70 wounded. Essex was taken into the Royal Navy as a 42-gun frigate.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 43

Name Service Branchsort descending
Seaman Peter Allen USN
Ordinary Seaman Daniel Cassimer USN
Landsman William Jennings USN
Seaman William` Johnson USN
Lieutenant James Wilmer USN
Cooper John Adams USN
Landsman Mark Hill USN
Boy William Lee USN
Boatswain's Yeom Thomas Bailey USN
Quartemaster Francis Bland USN
Ordinary Seaman Robert Browne USN
Boy Lewis Early USN
Ordinary Seaman Thomas Davis USN
Ordinary Seaman Joseph Ferrell USN
Ordinary Seaman Francis Green USN
Seaman Frederick Hall USN
Seaman William Holmes USN
Ordinary Seaman George Hill USN
Seaman John Powell USN
Seaman John Keeling USN


Various Sources