Full Biography
The Headquarters Staff and over 3,000 members of the New York Naval Militia (NYNM) sponsored this entry on behalf of Rear Admiral (Lower Half) NYNM (retired) and Captain USNR (retired) Weill to commemorate his retirement from 42 years of combined naval service on 03 November 2023 and extraordinary contributions to the nation as well as his state, particularly during numerous times of crisis.. Rear Admiral Weill graduated in 1977 with a BA in Biology from Hartwick College in Oneonta, NY, and a MS in Instructional Technology from the Rochester Institute of Technology in 1995. His military education included attending the Surface Warfare Officer, Ship’s Self Defense Force and Combat Information Center Officer, Ship Collateral Duty Intel Officer, and Navy Reserve Department Head Schools of the USN, and completion of JPME I. He additionally volunteered to serve on 14 statutory selection boards and as the Vice President for Professional Development for the Navy Reserve Association (currently named the Association of the US Navy) and has authored numerous nationally published articles and books on military history and professional development as well as the Adirondack Mountains and wilderness of Upstate, NY. Rear Admiral Weill's military decorations also include numerous New York State (NYS) military awards for service on State Active Duty in support of the NYNM, which is a Federally recognized State Defense Force, Naval component of the NY National Guard, and direct predecessor of the USNR, including the Meritorious Service, Military Commendation, Long and Faithful Service, Conspicuous Service Cross (3), Merit (2), Recruiting (with 25 recruits clasp), and Humane Service to NYS (2) Medals. He coterminously served in the NYNM from his discharge from active duty in 1986 until his retirement from the USNR in 2008. Thereafter, he continued serving with the NYNM, which allows members to serve until age 68, until his retirement from the NYNM in 2023. Most recently, he received the prestigious NYS Conspicuous Service Medal for his nearly four years of service as the Chief of Staff and overall Commander of the NYNM during which he was promoted from CAPT to RDML and largely responsible for increasing NYNM membership from just over 2,600 in 2019 to more than 3,030 Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen in 2023, activating an unprecedented more than 460 members at once to State Active Duty in support of OPERTATIONS COVID 19 and ASYLUM SEEKER SUPPORT, oversight of two Joint and Combined military exercises, and adding a new 39 foot long Landing Craft and aerial drone capabilities to the NYNM's Military Emergency Boat Service and statewide fleet of 11 patrol boats. Without question, few have done more to positively impact the naval services of both their State and the nation.
Additional Service Memories and Photos
2022 Change of Command Photo: Photo of RDML Weill with the previous three NYNM Commanders. From left to right they are RDMLs (retired) Ten Eyck (Trip) Powell, Warren Smith, Lawrence (Larry) Weill, and Timothy Zachrisky.
USS Concord "Officers," Including ENS L Weill, 1983 Cruise Book Photo: Found via the following URL with the rest of the cruise book also being available: https://www.navysite.de/cruisebooks/afs5-83/index.html
Group Photo, NYNM HQ Staff, 2022: Group photo taken during a June of 2022 Quarterly NYNM Leadership Meeting.