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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services



Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Wednesday, October 6, 1943
Battle at Vella Lavella
On the night of 6 October, Selfridge, O'Bannon and Chevalier intercepted an enemy force of six destroyers three destroyer transports, and smaller armed craft 12 miles off Marquana Bay as it attempted to evacuate land forces from Vella Lavella. In the ensuing Battle of Vella Lavella, Chevalier was torpedoed and sunk Selfridge and O'Bannon were both heavily damaged - Selfridge by an enemy torpedo O'Bannon by enemy action compounded by collision with Chevalier just after the latter had gone dead in the water. Personnel casualties on Selfridge were 13 killed, 11 wounded, and 36 missing.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 49

Namesort ascending Service Branch
Sea 1c Wayne Moore USN
Sea 1c James Mcreynolds USN
SC 1c Charles Mckiernan USN
MM 3c Merlin Kloack USN
Sea 2c Edward Keltos USN
MM 3c Thomas Kelly USN
GM 2c Charles Joiner USN
SF 2c Edward Hellman USN
Sea 1c Chessher Heisch USN
Sea 1c Richard Hastings USN
F 1c Roy Hartenstine USN
MM 2c Robert Green USN
Sea 2c Richard Ferdinand USN
EM 3c John Etter USN
GM 1c Leo England USN
Sea 2c Charles Emerson USN
GM 2c Vernon Dunn USN
Sea 1c Warren Demasters USN
Sea 1c Ray Cutrer USN
Sea 1c Harry Cornell USN


Prepared by CAPT R.O. Strange USN (Ret.)