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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services



Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Saturday, December 24, 1864
Parrott Gun Explosion
While participating in the campaign against Fort Fisher, North Carolina, a 100 pound Parrott gun on board exploded killing 8 crewmen.

The bursting of the guns ( six in all ) much disconcerted the crews of the vessels where the accidents happened, and gave one and all a great distrust of the Parrott 100-pounders, and (as subsequent events proved) they were unfit for service, and calculated to kill more of our men than those of the enemy.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 8

Name Service Branchsort descending
Landsman James Ward USN
Seaman Ludwig Wiltz USN
2nd class boy William Sinton USN
Ordinary Seaman Charles Stiles USN
Landsman James Duffy USN
Seaman John Hill USN
Seaman James Mccormick USN
Landsman James Mcmillen USN
Official Naval Records