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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services



Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Sunday, December 7, 1941
USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor
The surprise attack by Japanese forces on the US fleet at Pearl Harbor commenced at 0755 on Sunday morning 7 December 1941. ... The USS Arizona along with other battleships were moored near Ford Island. The first wave of torpedo planes launched their torpedoes at Arizona but missed their target. Moments later high level bombers attacked with the ship sustaining 8 bomb hits from this attack. One bomb hit on the forecastle glancing off the face plate of Turret 2, penetrating the deck to explode in the black powder magazine which set off the adjacent smokeless powder magazine. ... Acts of heroism on the part of the battleship's officers and men were many, headed by those of LCDR Samuel G. Fuqua, the ship's damage control officer, whose coolness in attempting to quell the fires and get survivors off the ship earned him the Medal of Honor. Posthumous awards of the Medal of Honor also went to RADM Isaac Kidd, the first flag officer to be killed in the Pacific war, and to CAPT Van Valkenburgh, who reached the bridge and was attempting to fight his ship when the bomb hit on the magazines destroyed her. ... A cataclysmic explosion ripped through the forward part of the ship, touching off fires which burned for two days. Majority of crewmembers were either killed by the explosion and fire or were trapped by the rapid sinking of the ship. Of the 1400 aboard ARIZONA that fateful day, 1177 perished.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 1177

Name Service Branchsort descending
Sea 2c Glen Olson USN
Sea 1c Raymond Oliver USN
Ens Edward Olsen USN
BM 1c Amos Pace USN
F 1c Mervin Osborne USN
Sea 2c Stanislaus Orzech USN
Sea 1c Dwight Orr USN
Ens William Oneill USN
Sea 1c Rex Oneall USN
Sea 1c Peter Ott USN
PhM 3c Leland Ostrander USN
Sea 2c Frederick Owen USN
SK 2c Richard Owens USN
SC 2c Thomas Owsley USN
WT 1c Charles Murdock USN
WT 2c Melvin Murdock USN
MM 2c Claude Muncy USN
SK 1c James Myers USN
Sea 1c James Murphy USN
F 3c James Murphy USN


Submitted by Capt. Robt. Strange USN Ret.