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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services


Broad Arrow

Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Saturday, January 9, 1943
U-Boat Attack near Dutch Guiana
The Tanker SS Broad Arrow was torpedoed by U-124 off the coast of Dutch Guiana. A torpedo hit the port side at the aft magazine which blew apart the section. A second torpedo hit the port side forward amidship. Survivors were picked up by PC-77.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 23

Name Service Branchsort descending
Chief Mate John Elwis USMM
Radio Officer Walter Taylor USMM
3rd Engineer John Scully USMM
Wiper Joseph Salgado USMM
Oiler Spiro Raftopolos USMM
Jr. 3rd Mate Alfred Distelhurst USMM
Oiler Clifton Wing USMM
Steward William Swain USMM
3rd Mate John Rose USMM
Cook Florencio Riquelme USMM
Chief Engineer Rudolph Plath USMM
A.B. Clifford Newman USMM
Master Percy Mounter USMM
A.B. Manuel Furtado USMM
2nd Mate Eldor Ernstsen USMM
Chief Cook Juan Balado USMM
Sea 1c Charles Greathouse USN
Sea 1c Raymond Grandowicz USN
Sea 1c Gerald Harvey USN
Cox James Lambert USN


A Careless Word - A Needless Sinking