Kamikaze Attacks off Okinawa
In support of Okinawa operations, Bunker Hill is hit and severely damaged by 2 kamikaze. Gasoline fires and several explosions take place killing 346 wounding 264 and 43 missing and unaccounted for.
Number of sailors in this log: 209
Name | Service Branch |
Sea 1c George Brookhart | USN |
AMM 1c Clifford Brown | USN |
Sea 2c Cecil Buckner | USN |
AMM 1c Sedric Bull | USN |
Sea 2c Robert Burns | USN |
Y 1c John Byous | USN |
ARM 1c Jasper Caldwell | USN |
Cpl Aubrey Calhoun | USMC |
Sea 2c Donald Carey | USN |
Sea 1c Virgil Carringer | USN |
Lt(jg) Clifford Carter | USN |
Sea 1c William Cartwright | USN |
GM 2c Byron Casey | USN |
F 1c Samuel Cataldo | USN |
Sea 1c Albert Cervenak | USN |
Lt(jg) George Chandler | USN |
Ens James Chaney | USN |
Lt Alfred Charles | USN |
S Sgt Leo Chasse | USMC |
Sea 2c Homer Childress | USN |