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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services



Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Wednesday, February 3, 1943
U-Boat Attack off coast of Greenland
The Transport Ship Dorchester was torpedoed by U-223 while en convoy from New Foundland to Greenland. The torpedo struck the starboard side of the ship, opening a hole in the hull which flooded the engine room. The engines were destroyed as were two life boats. ... Orders to abandon ship were issued within three minutes. Dorchester sank within twenty five minutes. ... Two hundred and thirty survivors were later picked up by CGC Escanaba and CGC Comanche who continued their search into the darkness. ... Four U.S. Army chaplains, Father John Washington (Catholic), Reverend Clark Poling (Dutch Reformed), Rabbi Alexander Goode (Jewish) and Rev. George Fox (Methodist) were among the first on deck, handing out life jackets and assisting as they could. They were last seen by witnesses standing arm-in-arm on the hull of the ship. ... Six hundred and seventy-five were lost, making it the third largest US loss at sea of its kind during the war

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 128

Namesort descending Service Branch
Steward George Robins USMM
Utility Lorenzo Rosario USMM
Steward Richard Schmoker USMM
Jr. 3rd Engineer Ferdinand Schnauder USMM
Baker Eugene Seeger USMM
Pantryman John Seibel USMM
Wiper Martin Silberg USMM
Purser Paul Slawson USMM
Utility Nicolas Soto USMM
Sea 1c Harold Stewart USN
SC 1c Franklin Stokes USN
Sea 1c Richard Streicher USN
Sea 1c John Strzyzkowski USN
Sea 1c Garland Sutton USN
Sea 1c Carl Swanson USN
A.B. Herman Swogger USMM
Sea 1c Ralph Taylor USN
Utility Martin Tessler USMM
Utility Paul Thomas USMM
Pantryman Jose Toledo USMM


Various Sources