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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services



Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Wednesday, June 14, 1944
Lost in Antisubmarine Attack
Golet departed Midway on 28 May 1944, intending to continue patrolling in the vicinity of Honshu. Nothing further was heard of the ship or her crew of 82 men, despite repeated messages from headquarters requesting acknowledgment of receipt. Postwar analysis of Japanese antisubmarine records indicates that an attack conducted in Golet’s operational area on 14 June 1944, resulting in debris and an oil slick, was the probable cause of her loss.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 82

Name Service Branchsort ascending
EM 2c Elwin Barnes USN
EM 2c Gilbert Millhouse USN
MOMM 2c Cecil Leonard USN
EM 3c Leo Leinwand USN
Sea 1c George Lewis USN
EM 2c Clifford Martin USN
TM 3c Horace Lytle USN
StM 1c William Mcculough USN
Lt Harry Mclaughlin USN
CPhM Ernest Miller USN
CFC Peter Milus USN
Ens George Barlow USN
GM 1c Willard Edwards USN
QM 1c Robert Danko USN
SM 2c Walter Davidson USN
Sea 1c Vinton Earle USN
MM 2c Clifton Dowey USN
EM 1c George Hendley USN
MOMM 2c Robert Hoffman USN
CEM Raymond Harville USN


Prepared by: J.P. O’Hara, CDR, USN (Ret.)