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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services



Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Friday, March 5, 1943
Lost at Sea

On February 11, 1943, Grampus, in company with Grayback (SS-208), departed Brisbane to patrol the Blackett Strait area. ... Grayback reported sighting Grampus in her assigned area on 4 March. Nothing further was seen or heard of Grampus and her crew of 71 following that date. ... Analysis of Japanese records after the war indicates that IJN destroyers Minegumo and Murakomo attacked and sank a submarine in that area on March 5, possibly by gunfire. Amplifying information is unavailable, since both destroyers were sunk on March 7, with the loss of their logs and battle reports.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 71

Namesort descending Service Branch
MOMM 1c Joseph Nash USN
Lt Edward Oconnor USN
MOMM 2c David Olexa USN
CPhM James Oneal USN
CMOMM Charles Patrick USN
EM 3c George Phelps USN
Y 1c Howard Pillsbury USN
F 1c Thomas Poyner USN
CGM Lois Presley USN
TM 3c Verl Purdom USN
TM 3c Leland Roberts USN
TM 3c Chester Rudd USN
MOMM 1c Robert Sager USN
Lt Ivan Sandell USN
Lt Alvin Sbisa USN
EM 1c William Schmidt USN
Sea 1c Francis Shafranski USN
TM 2c Marcus Shepard USN
Sea 1c Alvin Tagesen USN
SM 3c Alvin Tevis USN


Prepared by: J.P.O’Hara, CDR, USN (Ret.)