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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services



Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Friday, May 4, 1945
Lost in the Gulf of Siam
Departing Subic Bay, P.I. April 12 1945 on her second patrol, Lagarto proceeded to the Gulf of Siam to operate with Baya (SS-318). The two submarines rendezvoused on May 2, and immediately began an approach on a convoy of one tanker, one auxiliary and two destroyers. ... With this attack thwarted by the enemy’s radar and subsequent gunfire, they withdrew until the following morning. Lagarto submerged on the convoy’s track to make the initial attack, while Baya submerged ten to fifteen miles further along to follow up. ... A prolonged attack later in the day by Baya was driven off, and she received no further communication from Lagarto. ... Post-war review of Japanese records indicates a successful attack on a submarine on 3 May 1945 on the convoy’s track. This attack is the most probable cause of Lagarto’s loss.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 87

Namesort descending Service Branch
Lt Arthur Keeney USN
RT 1c Philip Kimball USN
StM 1c Albert Kirtley USN
MOMM 3c John Kneidl USN
Cdr Frank Latta USN
Sea 1c Noah Lee USN
F 1c Russell Lee USN
MOMM 2c Robert Lewis USN
F 1c Louis Lynch USN
SM 1c William Mabin USN
Sea 1c Joy Marriott USN
SC 2c James Mcdonald USN
TM 2c Justin Mcgee USN
Lt William Mendenhall USN
F 1c Willis Moore USN
Sea 1c William Moss USN
RT 2c Lloyd Ohara USN
F 1c Howard Ortega USN
Sea 1c Dick Paper USN
Lt(jg) Joseph Pash USN


Prepared by CDR J.P. O'Hara USN (Ret.)