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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services



Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Friday, June 9, 1944
Torpedoed off Northern France
LST-376 was attacked by German surface craft in the English Channel and sustained a torpedo hit. LST 376 sinks from damage 44 men perish in the attack.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 44

Namesort descending Service Branch
MOMM 2c Michael Andalora USN
Sea 2c Russell Barlow USN
BM 2c Bernard Carr USN
Sea 1c Fred Chatman USN
SM 2c Dallas Edmonds USN
BM 2c Albert Fitch USN
Sea 2c Bertrand Gauvin USN
Sea 2c Howard Greenberg USN
Sea 2c George Griffith USN
Sea 2c Alfred Gross USN
Sea 2c Peter Guarasci USN
Sea 2c Joseph Gugliuzza USN
Sea 2c George Haduch USN
Sea 2c Wilbur Hamilton USN
Sea 2c John Harding USN
Sea 2c Charles Harris USN
BM 2c Oscar Holland USN
PhM 3c John Jones USN
MOMM 2c Robert Lanthier USN
GM 3c George Lewellyn USN


Prepared by CAPT R.O. Strange USN (Ret.)