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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services



Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Friday, November 13, 1942
Naval Battle of Guadalcanal
In what would later be called the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal the heavily outnumbered US forces sighted the Japanese fleet headed toward Henderson Field to bombard it and cripple Allied air operations long enough to sneak in 11 of their transports to relieve their beleaguered comrades fighting on the island. The battle commenced at 0150 and within 30 minutes Monssen, which had been spotlighted in the darkness and hit by some 37 shells was reduced to a burning hulk. Twenty minutes later, completely immobilized in all departments, the ship was ordered abandoned. ... After daybreak Monssen was still a floating incinerator. Survivors whoo had previously abandoned ship reboarded the hulk and rescued eight men still aboard and alive, five of whom lived after reaching land. The survivors, 40 percent of the crew, were picked up and taken to Guadalcanal. The ship continued to blaze until early afternoon, when the waters of Ironbottom Sound closed over her.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 145

Namesort descending Service Branch
Sea 1c Leo Plumley USN
TM 3c Joseph Porter USN
CMM John Price USN
MM 1c William Ratcliffe USN
SM 1c Cleo Row USN
MM 2c Layman Sanders USN
Sea 2c Walter Sanford USN
F 2c James Satterfield USN
M 2c William Scherpik USN
CSK LeRoy Schroeder USN
CBM Milan Sellers USN
TM 3c Lloyd Sheets USN
WT 1c George Shinn USN
FC 3c Clayton Smith USN
Sea 1c Alvis Spaeth USN
FC 3c Merlin Steffe USN
RM 3c Donald Sutton USN
Sea 1c Charles Terpening USN
SC 3c Robert Tipton USN
Lt(jg) Hubert Wager USN


Prepared by CAPT R. O. Strange USN (Ret.)