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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services



Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Friday, January 23, 1942
Torpedo Attack out of Pearl Harbor
Neches steamed from Pearl Harbor late in the afternoon of January 22, 1942, headed for the western Pacific. Shortly after midnight, the watch discerned a possible submarine at a range of about 1,000 yards and immediately took evasive action. At 0310 there was a heavy thud amidships, probably a dud torpedo. At 0319 a torpedo struck the oiler on the starboard side abaft the engine room. The explosion caused extensive flooding in the engine room spaces, although water did not reach the fire room. At 0328 the submarine [I-72] was sighted to port just before another torpedo struck the port side. Both 5-inch guns took the submarine under fire and continued firing until 0335, when the list to starboard made it impossible to depress the guns sufficiently. ... Neches slowly settled forward and the list to starboard increased steadily. She sank at 0437, with a loss of fifty-seven men.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 56

Namesort descending Service Branch
Sea 2c Terry Spooner USN
SC 3c Dayton Stanley USN
MM 1c Colen Stanley USN
Bkr 3c Mack Steele USN
AS Laverne Stenman USN
AS Merle Surber USN
Sea 2c Arthur Swortfiguer USN
AS Davis Tribble USN
AS Joseph Tucker USN
Sea 1c Juan Valencia USN
Sea 2c Marion Vanderpool USN
Sea 2c Ernest White USN
AS Eldridge Wigand USN
AS Adam Woitkielevicz USN
Sea 1c Julius Young USN
Sea 2c Raymond Zuk USN


Prepared by CAPT R.O. Strange USN (Ret.)