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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services



Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Wednesday, September 9, 1942
Lost in North Atlantic
When she was overdue in reaching home port, Muskeget was presumed lost in action with no survivors. At the time of her sinking, she had 121 men on board: 9 commissioned officers, 107 enlisted men, one Public Health Service officer, and four civilian employees of the U.S. Weather Service. German naval records recovered after the war indicated that U-755, under the command of Kapitänleutnant Walter Göing, reported torpedoing a U.S. auxiliary merchant cruiser in Muskeget's area of operation on 9 September 1942. It was probably this attack that caused the destruction of Muskeget and the loss of her entire crew. U-755 was herself sunk in the Mediterranean by a Royal Air Force Hudson on 28 May 1943.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 117

Name Service Branchsort ascending
Sea 2c Earle Hawkridge USCG
Sea 2c Edmund Power USCG
Cox George Astley USCG
Matt 3c Clifton Allen USCG
SOM 3c Erman Farr USCG
CBM Carl Mason USCG
Sea 1c Anthony Ruggeri USCG
OStd 2c Braulio Velasco USCG
Ens Charles Hunter USCG
GM 2c Walter Profit USCG
F 1c John Butler USCG
Y 3c Albert Altman USCG
Ens Stephen Fuld USCG
SOM 3c Iven Martin USCG
CWT Edward Stoda USCG
BM 2c Steve Vrabel USCG
SC 2c Martin Hvizdock USCG
F 2c Aniello Restaino USCG
CMM Charles Hill USCG
Sea 1c Donald Anderson USCG


US Coast Guard