Frank Patsy Mazzuchi was born on November 24, 1925, at Ceprano, Italy. His family settled in Lackaqanna, NY, where he attended elementary school and graduated from high school in 1941. While in school he played football, golf and baseball.
Frank entered the Navy in December 1942, at Buffalo, NY and reported for recruit training at Newport, RI. He next attended quartermaster school and motor torpedo boat school.
Following the Second World War he attended submarine school at Groton, CT and served aboard the submarines, Toro, Piper, Gar, Thornback and the fleet ballistic missile submarine Robert E. Lee. He reported aboard USS Scorpion in January, 1962. Frank qualified in submarines in April 1950.
He was authorized to wear the Good Conduct Medal with one silver and two bronze stars in lieu of the second through seventh awards; Presidential Unit Citation Ribbon; Navy Unit Commendation Ribbon; National Defense Service Medal with bronze star in lieu of the second award; Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal; Navy Occupation Medal with European Clasp; American Defense Medal; Philippine Liberation Medal; Asiatic Pacific Medal with three stars in lieu of the second therough fourth awards; American Campaign Medal and World War II Victory Medal.
He is survived by his widow, the former Geneva Ward of Williamson, West Virginia; five daughters, Yolanda, Deborah, Theresa, Marie and Angela; a son, Thomas and his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Tomasso Mazzuchi of Lackawanna, NY.
From the USS Scorpion Memorial Book - 1968.