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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services



Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Friday, October 20, 1944
Kamakaze Attack at Leyte
At 1600 Honolulu was in her assigned position of Catomin Hill awaiting a fire support assignment when a single Japanese plane was sighted coming from Leyte. It was taken under fire, but it launched its torpedo at Honolulu. The ship had very little way on and was unable to maneuver out of the way. At 1602 the plane hit the Honolulu and there were many personnel casualties. Prompt damage control measures were undertaken which localized the flooding. The ship anchored that night in transport area where another casualty occurred. During the air attack some ship fired into a 40 MM mount killing and wounding several more men. By noon the next day the ship was able to get underway and after dodging two floating mines, left Leyte Gulf for Kosgol Passage and Manus.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 60

Namesort descending Service Branch
Sea 2c Aaron Anderson USN
MM 3c William Balas USN
BM 2c William Batchelder USN
Sea 2c Forest Bennett USN
SK 1c Oral Brown USN
RM 1c Daniel Buonomo USN
Ens Eugene Captain USN
FC 3c Chester Carlson USN
Sea 1c Sam Cole USN
EM 2c Joe Curry USN
Sea 2c Fred Dotson USN
FC 1c Fred Elsass USN
F 1c Paul Ennefer USN
Sea 2c Everett Epley USN
Sea 2c Orlando Fisher USN
Sea 2c Edward Gangloff USN
GM 1c Charles Garton USN
FC 2c Raymond Geist USN
EM 1c Culmer Gowen USN
Sea 2c Clifford Green USN


Prepared by CAPT R.O. Strange USN (Ret.)