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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services



Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Wednesday, December 31, 1862
Founders off Cape Hatteras
In late December 1862, Monitor was ordered for operations in the south. She left Hampton Roads in tow of USS Rhode Island, bound for Beaufort, N.C. The weather, expected to be good for the voyage, stayed that way into the 30th, however, wind and seas picked up during the afternoon and turned to a gale by evening. ... Shortly before midnight, it was clear that Monitor was in danger. Her steam pressure was failing as rising water drowned the boiler fires. The tow line was cut, the anchor dropped, and distress signals were sent to the Rhode Island. ... Boats managed to remove most of the ironclad's crewmen under extremely difficult conditions, but several men were swept away. Monitor sank about 1:30 am the morning of December 31st.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 16

Namesort descending Service Branch
Landsman William Allen USN
Acting Ensign Norman Atwater USN
Yeoman William Bryan USN
First Class Boy Robert Cook USN
Landsman William Eagan USN
Quarter Gunner James Fenwick USN
Acting ensign Geoge Frederickson USN
3rd Asst. Engine R. Hands USN
Officers' Cook Robert Howard USN
First Class Fire Thomas Joice USN
3rd Asst. Engine Samuel Lewis USN
Coal Heaver George Littlefield USN
Officers' Stewar Daniel Moore USN
Ordinary Seaman Jacob Nickles USN
Boatswain's Mate John Stocking USN
First Class Fire Robert Williams USN
Naval Historical Center