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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services



Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Sunday, September 13, 1942
Air Attack Near norway
While en route to Russia with a cargo if aircraft, SS Oregonian was torpedoed by German Aircraft. The ship was struck by three torpedoes on its starboard side causing the ship to capsize and sink. 17 Merrchant Mariners and 9 Navy Armed Guard survived the attack.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 27

Namesort descending Service Branch
Oiler Campio Abal USMM
Sea 1c Philip Allen USN
Sea 1c Clifford Allen USN
Chief Engineer Robert Blocker USMM
A.B. Theodore Carlson USMM
Master Harold Dowling USMM
O.S. Morris Greenfeld USMM
Messman Michael Gresko USMM
Jr. 3rd Mate Albert Heppner USMM
Wiper Michael Iannone USMM
A.B. Sampson Jondal USMM
2nd Engineer James Louviere USMM
Purser Clement Makowski USMM
Jr. 3rd Engineer Harry Middleton USMM
Sea 2c Elmer Miller USN
A.B. Oliver Miller USMM
Messman William Newell USMM
Cook Sverre Olsen USMM
Steward George Peebles USMM
1st Engineer Allan Smith USMM


A Careless Word, A Needless Sinking