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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services



Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Thursday, November 16, 1944
Attack south of Tokyo Bay
Scamp departed Midway October 20%252c 1944 to begin her eighth patrol in the vicinity of the Bonin Islands. On November 14 she was ordered to take up a life guard station off Tokyo Bay%252c but did not acknowledge the message%252c %2528nor was she required to do so%2529. She was not heard from again. ... Japanese records indicate a combined ASW aircraft and surface ship attack on 11 November along her projected track to her new station. The attack resulted in a large pool of oil on the surface. Two further attacks on 16 November%252c along a possible track if Scamp had been damaged earlier and was leaving her station%252c resulted in heavy underwater explosions. Since no other submarines reported ASW attacks on those dates and in those areas%252c it is probable that they accounted for Scamp%2527s loss.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 82

Namesort descending Service Branch
RM 2c Basil Abad USN
Sea 1c James Adams USN
TM 2c Harry Anderson USN
F 1c Allen Barlow USN
MOMM 2c Irvin Barrois USN
StM 2c Odie Bass USN
Lt Charles Bath USN
Std 2c Pedro Baysa USN
Ens Archie Blankenship USN
EM 1c Henry Bowman USN
CRM Archie Brandt USN
EM 2c Harold Brazee USN
MOMM 2c William Burns USN
EM 3c Robert Cappel USN
Y 1c Morris Cartee USN
MOMM 1c Ramon Cary USN
TM 2c Victor Cerveny USN
GM 1c William Chapman USN
MOMM 2c Gordon Clague USN
Sea 2c Adam Cogan USN


Prepared by: J.P.O’Hara, CDR, USN (Ret.)