Attack south of Tokyo Bay
Scamp departed Midway October 20%252c 1944 to begin her eighth patrol in the vicinity of the Bonin Islands. On November 14 she was ordered to take up a life guard station off Tokyo Bay%252c but did not acknowledge the message%252c %2528nor was she required to do so%2529. She was not heard from again. ... Japanese records indicate a combined ASW aircraft and surface ship attack on 11 November along her projected track to her new station. The attack resulted in a large pool of oil on the surface. Two further attacks on 16 November%252c along a possible track if Scamp had been damaged earlier and was leaving her station%252c resulted in heavy underwater explosions. Since no other submarines reported ASW attacks on those dates and in those areas%252c it is probable that they accounted for Scamp%2527s loss.