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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services


Home >> Lost Ship's Tribute

Lost Ship's Tribute

Format: 2024
Ship Name Designator Date Lostsort ascending
Curtiss AV-4 06/21/1945
Bonefish SS-223 06/18/1945
Twiggs DD-591 06/16/1945
LCSL122 LCSL-122 06/11/1945
Salute AM-294 06/08/1945
J William Ditter DM-31 06/06/1945
Louisville CA-28 06/05/1945
Drexler DD-741 05/28/1945
Sandoval APA-194 05/28/1945
Forrest DMS-24 05/27/1945
Loy APD-56 05/27/1945
Braine DD-630 05/27/1945
Gayety AM-239 05/27/1945
Bates APD-47 05/25/1945
Spectacle AM-305 05/25/1945
