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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services


Home >> Lost Ship's Tribute

Lost Ship's Tribute

Format: 2024
Ship Name Designator Date Lostsort descending
Pillsbury DD-227 03/01/1942
Edsall DD-219 03/01/1942
Langley AV-3 03/01/1942
Houston CA-30 03/01/1942
Pecos AO-6 03/01/1942
Perch SS-176 03/03/1942
Dickerson DD-157 03/19/1942
Canopus AS-9 04/10/1942
Cythera PY-26 05/02/1942
Sims DD-409 05/07/1942
Neosho AO-23 05/07/1942
Lexington CV-2 05/08/1942
Yorktown CV-5 05/08/1942
Blakeley DD-150 05/25/1942
Jack - 05/27/1942
