VINCENT V. SPOTO OCT 26, 1933 - JAN 14, 2010 Vince Spoto of Hughson, California died peacefully at his home on January 14, 2010. He was 76.
Born in Manhattan, New York on October 26, 1933, the son of Lucia and Nicholas Spoto and brother Michael Spoto.
He served in the Navy from 1952-1956 as an Electrician's Mate Second Class. He received the National Defense Service Metal and Good Conduct Metal. He began his 25 year career at I.B.M. in Fishkill, New York as a Programmer. He transferred later to California, where he married and had 3 children.
He is survived by three daughters: Jolene McFeely of Santa Cruz, Calif., Diane Spoto of Salida, Calif. and Jennifer Alvear of Ceres, Calif. and six grandchildren.
Visitation will be held Today, January 21 at Turlock Funeral Home from 12 to 7pm. A funeral service will be on Friday, January 22 at 1pm at the funeral home with burial following at Turlock Memorial Park. Friends may share their condolences to the family at