A donation to the Navy Memorial was received from Mr. Raymond V. Probus honoring EMC Tozer along with a letter explaining the circumstances of Chief Tozer’s death which he had witnessed. This is the letter from Mr. Probus:
I was there when Chief Tozer died. His patrol boat was ambushed by the V.C. as he he and his men sat in an ambush site of their own on the Vinh Tae canal, not too many meters from the Cambodian border. Chief Tozer was hit in his legs with a rocket that separated his legs from his body and sprayed the other three crew members with shrapnel.
One man, though wounded seriously, was able to get to the coxswain flat, start the engines, and roar out of there under heavy fire. He was given the Purple Heart and the Silver Star for his actions that night. His name is GMG3 Mike Morris. He lives in Portland, OR, now.
I saw Chief Tozer when Mike was able to get that boat to base camp. This selfless sailor knew he was dying, but his last words were for his wife.
I hope this letter can bring closure to someone in Chief Tozer’s family. Please pass it along.
Raymond V. Probus