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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services



Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Wednesday, September 13, 1944
Lost in Hurricane
On 10 September 1944, Warrington in company with USS Hyades (AF 28) departed Norfolk VA bound for Trinidad. Both ships encountered heavy weather along the Florida coast which developed into a hurricane. Warrington started taking water from the storm through her vents and engineering spaces which caused a chain reaction of losing electrical power and ships power and ultimately ship's stability. Order was given to abandon ship. 321 crewmembers died in the accident - there were 73 survivors.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 173

Namesort descending Service Branch
Sea 1c Crosley Steinbrecher USN
Sea 2c Roger Stewart USN
CMM Joseph Stone USN
Sea 1c Everett Stout USN
Cox Ira Stout USN
Sea 1c Layton Strong USN
Sea 2c Paul Sublette USN
GM 2c Samuel Sulanke USN
Sea 1c David Swartz USN
Sea 1c Vernon Thomas USN
Sea 1c John Tipton USN
CRM Arthur Tolman USN
MM 2c George Trousdell USN
Sea 2c Gerard Tucholka USN
FC 3c Jack Tuttle USN
Sea 2c William Underwood USN
SC 1c Harold Upton USN
Lt(jg) Sidney Vickers USN
Sea 2c Joseph Vipperman USN
F 1c Washington Voorhies USN


Submitted by Capt. Robt. Strange USN Ret.