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The United States Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services


Home >> Lost Ship's Tribute

Lost Ship's Tribute

Format: 2024
Ship Name Designator Date Lostsort descending
Colorado BB-45 01/09/1945
Du Page APA-41 01/10/1945
LeRay Wilson DE-414 01/10/1945
Warren APA-53 01/11/1945
Swordfish SS-193 01/12/1945
Gilligan DE-508 01/12/1945
Belknap APD-34 01/12/1945
Salamaua CVE-96 01/13/1945
Zeilin APA-3 01/13/1945
Ticonderoga CV-14 01/21/1945
Hancock CV-19 01/21/1945
Maddox DD-731 01/21/1945
Extractor ARS-15 01/24/1945
Serpens AK-97 01/29/1945
Barbel SS-316 02/04/1945
