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Navy Memorial Honoring the Men & Women of the Sea Services


Home >> Sumner I. Kimball

Sumner I. Kimball

Ship Designation: 
Date Lost: 
Sunday, January 16, 1944
U-Boat Attack near Belle Isle Strait
While en route from England to New York via Scotland, the freighter Sumner I. Kimball straggled away from her convoy and was never seen again. Records later showed her to have been torpedoed by U-960 ... There were no survivors.

Lost At Sea Log

Number of sailors in this log: 70

Namesort descending Service Branch
Cook John Lynch USMM
Chief Cook John Marks USMM
Sea 1c Wilson Marshall USN
Sea 1c Charles Mcdonald USN
Purser Lee Meacham USMM
GM 3c Buford Metcalf USN
Utility Milton Milkvy USMM
A.B. Lloyd Minninger USMM
Sea 1c Joseph Misevicz USN
Utility Gerald Mitchell USMM
BM 2c Porter Moran USN
Oiler Dana Mulvey USMM
Sea 1c Edward Murphy USN
3rd Engineer George Murphy USMM
Sea 1c Finnbarr Nagle USN
Sea 1c James Nealings USN
Messman Antoni Paskowski USMM
Bosun Vincenzo Patrinzi USMM
Cox Stephen Rakos USN
A.B. Lincoln Remick USMM


A Careless Word, A Needless Sinking